Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB (Sweden)
Chalmers tekniska hoegskola (Chalmers University of Technology) was founded in 1829 following a donation by William Chalmers, director of the Swedish East India Company, and was transformed into an independent foundation in 1994.
Chalmers has developed leading research in the areas of life sciences, materials science, information technology, micro-and nanotechnology, environmental sciences and energy.
Chalmers' annual turnover is 3597 million SEK (appr. 400 million EUR), out of which 70 % is related to research. Around 60 % of the research funding is acquired in competition from external sources. Some 13 000 people, including 3 240 employees (3065 FTEs), work and study in Chalmers’ 17 departments.
The university offers PhD and Licentiate programmes as well as MScEng, MArch, BEng and nautical programmes. There are 6600 students (FTE) in programmes leading to 1200 Master’s degrees annually. About 1160 students are involved in doctoral programs leading to 300 PhD and Licentiate of Technology degrees each year.
Chalmers has been involved in EU funded research projects since 1989 and is on a continuous basis involved in approximately 200 projects within different EU programmes, mainly the Framework Programmes. The annual EU funding (2015) for research is 22 M€. The Chalmers parts within FP7 have a contract value of 121 M€. Chalmers is the beneficiary in 270 projects in FP7, and the coordinator or single beneficiary of 52 of these contracts. Out of these contracts, Chalmers is the host for 17 ERC grants.
As for Marie Curie Actions, Chalmers is the beneficiary in 31 MCA projects in FP7: 13 ITNs (coordinator for 2); 3 Intra-European Fellowships; 10 Career Integration Grants; 3 IRSES; 2 IAPPs. Chalmers is the coordinator of the Graphene Flagship.
In Horizon 2020 Chalmers is participating in 62 projects (38 M€), whereof 6 ERC grants, 13 MSCA grants (7 ITNs) and 10 projects in the Transport challenge.
In total over the years Chalmers has participated in 690 Framework Programme projects and has been the coordinator of 97 FP projects.
Nuclear Chemistry/Industrial Recycling at Chalmers has been working for more than 50 years in the development of solvent extraction processes and nuclear chemistry. During the last 30 years research has been made in many different areas such as partitioning and transmutation, solvent extraction chemistry, chemical modelling and associated uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, thermodynamical data, recovery of precious metals from different waste streams and Nuclear Fuel Cycle (including fuel fabrication).
Nuclear Chemistry / Industrial Materials Recycling is a founder and leader of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Centre (SNEC) and a founder and leader of the Competence Center for Recycling (CCR). We have been actively participating in about 20 EU projects on various topics. Hundreds of publications concerning the special chemistry of the actinides have been published in various peer-reviewed publications dealing with a range of topics from basic solution chemistry, separation processes, fuel fabrication and solid state investigations.
Contact persons
Christian Ekberg
Teodora Retegan
Emma Aneheim