Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (Spain)
Since its creation in 1951, as JEN, and since 1986 as CIEMAT, it has been carrying out research and technological development projects, serving as a reference for technical representation of Spain in international forums, and advising government on matters within its scope.
The aim of the CIEMAT is to contribute to the sustainable development of the country and the quality of life of its citizens, through the generation and application of scientific and technological knowledge. CIEMAT Nuclear R&D Division contributes to the improvement of safety in current and future nuclear facilities, through the assimilation, development and validation of risk evaluation methodologies and the reduction of existing uncertainties in hypothetical accident situations. Provide scientific and technical support required for adequate radioactive waste management and long-lived radionuclide partitioning processes. Contribute to the development of advanced nuclear fuel cycles capable of facilitating radioactive waste management and improving the sustainability of nuclear fission as an energy source, including the design of advanced concepts of nuclear reactors and ADS.
CIEMAT is involved in National R&D Programs financed by ENRESA and the Nuclear Safety Council, as well as in European Union Programs in both R&D and the EURATOM Treaty. CIEMAT Nuclear R&D Division is working for more than 20 years on Partitioning and transmutation. As far as the P&T issue is concerned, CIEMAT actively participates in national, European and international networks dealing with this topic (nTOF-ND-ADS, MUSE, PDS-XADS, Red-Impact, SARNET, PHEBEN2, ARTIST, CABRI, HotLab, SFS, NF-PRO, MIKADO, ACACIAS, EUROPART, ADOPT and ACTINET Thematic Network, ACSEPT, SACSESS, GENIORS, EERA, JPNM, TASTE).
Contact persons
M° de los Hitos Galán
Marta Serrano García
Joaquin Cobos
Ana Nuñez
Iván Sánchez