Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (Belgium)
The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) is a Foundation of Public Utility (FPU), with a legal status according to private law, under the tutorial of the Belgian Federal Minister in charge of energy. SCK CEN has about 700 employees, one third of which has an academic degree. Its main missions are the research into safety and efficiency of nuclear installations, solutions for the disposal of radioactive waste, radiation protection, sustainable development, education and training. SCK CENs main competences are found in nuclear materials research, development of innovative nuclear systems, nuclear waste research and environmental and health research in connection with nuclear radiation. In order to perform its research programme, to provide services to industry, the medical sector, the government and third parties, and for training purposes, SCK CEN operates several research facilities. These include the BR1, BR2 and VENUS-F reactors, the HADES underground research facility, the Laboratory for High and Medium Activity with various hot cells, the heavy liquid metal lab and several nuclear analysis and chemical laboratories.
Since 1998 SCK CEN is collaborating with European laboratories and research centres in the development of MYRRHA. MYRRHA is a heavy liquid metal cooled nuclear system designed to operate as Accelerator Driven sub-critical System (ADS) or as a critical fast reactor. In the latter mode, it will serve as the technical pilot plant for the ESNII SET plan.
Contact persons
Paul Schuurmans (coordinator)
Thomas Cardinaels
Christian Schreinemachers
Brian Boer
Ugur Emre Sikik
Rémi Delville
Katrien Van Tichelen
Graham Kennedy
Julio Pacio
Jun Lim
Alexander Aerts
Alessandro Marino
Borja González Prieto
Yong-Hoon Shin