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Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (The Netherlands)

NRG is an internationally operating nuclear service provider. The mission of NRG is to respond to the social need for high quality nuclear research and innovation, safe and reliable nuclear isotope production and services to organisations working with nuclear technology. As such, the company produces isotopes, conducts nuclear technological research, is a consultant on the safety and reliability of nuclear installations and provides services related to radiation protection. Research is performed for governments aimed at developing knowledge about nuclear technology. NRG is a world market leader in the production of medical isotopes. NRG operates the 45 MW High Flux Reactor (HFR) owned by the European Union. The company has around 500 world-class employees with high quality know-how and works for and with partners in healthcare, the energy market, industry, government and science. The company has offices and nuclear facilities located in the Netherlands, in Petten and Arnhem. A complete nuclear infrastructure is available. NRG operates as well as maintains several facilities, not only the HFR but also hot cell laboratories for non-destructive and destructive testing and characterization of irradiated fuel. The hot cell laboratories deploy a series of advanced techniques for characterization and testing of irradiated materials like gamma spectrometry, tomography, transmission electron microscope (TEM), LV-SEM ceramography, profilometry and gas puncturing. These facilities are crucial to the work defined in DM2. NRG has a large experience in numerical modelling and computational engineering in the nuclear field. To this purpose, a large computing cluster is available. Finally, NRG is actively participating to the European nuclear R&D, through memberships and participation in SNE-TP, NUGENIA, ESNII, and NC2I.

Contact persons

Sander Van Til

Willem Molijn

Florence Charpin-Jacobs

Fritriana Nindiyasari

Ferry Roelofs

Afaque Shams

Heleen Uitslag-Doolaard

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